Question Bias and Biased Question Words in Mandarin, German and Bangla (Doctoral Dissertation: 2017 May)
Committee: Veneeta Dayal (chair), Mark Baker, Simon Charlow, Manfred Krifka (external)
Some Observations on the Form and Meaning of the Perfect and since-adverbial (MA Thesis: 2010 May)
Committee: Chauncey Chu (chair), Yuan Shen (advisor), Weiguo Qu
- Xu, Beibei. 2018. Dedicated bias word nandao as an illocutionary modifier. In Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, ed. Wm. G. Bennett et al., 448-457. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project., document #3418.
- Xu, Beibei. 2012. Nandao-question as a special kind of rhetorical question. In Anca Chereches (ed.), Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 22. 488-507.
- Xu, Beibei. 2011. 论中国的佛经翻译传统--兼与勒弗维尔商榷 (On Chinese Sutra-translation Tradition). 《翻译教学与研究·第二辑》 (Translation Teaching and Research Vol. 2). 121-132.
- Xu, Beibei. 2010. 论完成式的形与义 (Some Observations on the Form and Meaning of the Perfect). 《复旦大学外国语言文学论丛·研究生专刊》 (Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature Vol. 16). 91-98.
Invited Talks
- An Analysis of Dedicated Bias Word Nandao at the Syntax-Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Center for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. March 6th, 2019. [Poster][News][Slides]
- 非在言成分(not-at-issue contents)及其在汉语中的体现. The School of Foreign Languages, Hainan Normal University. June 8th, 2018. [Poster][News][Slides]
Conference Presentations
- Bias as an epistemic degree comparison – a case study of Bangla inferential evidential naki. Talk at International Workshop on Degrees and Grammar: An East Asian Perspective (DeG 2019). Nanjing University. March 2019. [slides]
- Not-at-issue content and an example in Mandarin. Talk at the 8th International Conference on Formal Linguistics (ICFL-8). Zhejiang University. November 2018. [slides]
- Belief update in Kratzerian Modality Theory. Talk at the 29th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-29). Rutgers. June 2017. [slides]
- Belief update in Kratzerian Modality Theory. Talk at RuLing XII. Rutgers. May 2017. [slides]
- Dedicated bias particles: A case study of Mandarin nandao-Qs. Talk at 35th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 35). University of Calgary. April 2017. [slides]
- Dedicated bias particles: A case study of Mandarin nandao-Qs. Poster at the 41st Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC 41). University of Pennsylvania. March 2017. [poster]
- Dedicated bias particles: A case study of Mandarin nandao-Qs. Poster at GLOW in Asia XI. University of Singapore. Feburary 2017. [poster][sumplement]
- Expecting and Asking: A Study of Bias in nandao-Questions. Poster at the 4th Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM). Rutgers. October 2014. [poster]
- An experimental study on nandao-questions in Mandarin. Talk at the 22nd Annual Conference of the IACL & the 26th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. University of Maryland. May 2014. [slides]
- An experimental study on nandao-Questions in Mandarin. Talk at RuLing Conference IX. Rutgers. April 2014. [slides]
- Nandao-Questions as a Special kind of Rhetorical Question. Poster at Semantics and Linguistics Theory (SALT) 22. UChicago, Chicago. May 2012. [poster][handout]
- From Etwa, Nicht and Nandao to a possible uniform account of neutral, biased and rhetorical questions. Talk at RuLing VII. Rutgers. May 2012. [slides]
- Comparatives in English. Talk at RuLing VI. Rutgers. April 2011.
- On Chinese Sutra Translation Tradition. Talk at 8th China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC) International Conference. Beijing. June 2009.
- Some Observations on the Semantics of the Perfect. Talk at 2009 Doctoral Forum of Fudan University. Fudan University. March 2009.